Train Reconciliation Leaders for America and a Global Spiritual Renaissance
Become a partner in our commitment to restore faith in American leadership and encourage us as we continue to support a spiritual global renaissance.
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“The night after 9/11/01 when I was at the United Nations in New York City, I had a dream of a Phoenix rising out of the ashes of Ground Zero. The Phoenix challenged me to consider ways to knit people’s hearts and minds together in a very divided world. The Phoenix also gave me another lens through which to see the tragedy of 9/11. After sitting in meditation with the Phoenix for 17 years, I am now being moved to act for our American leadership and a spiritual renaissance through the Institute for Global Leadership I founded after 9/11.”
Excerpted from My Soul’s Journey to Redefine Leadership: A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes of 9/11 by Virginia Swain (XLibris 2017)
The Phoenix scholarship is lovingly dedicated to all Reconciliation Leaders who embrace a shared moral and spiritual vision fo America and the world.
Drawing on her 30-year calling and commitment to the United Nations, her friendship with author Barbara Wheeler, the late Dr. Elise Boulding, Hopi Elder Thomas Banyanca, the wisdom and leadership code gained from the life of UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, Virginia saw the inspiration of her dream of the Phoenix as a way to enact the Hopi Prophecy and to work with other Reconciliation Leaders to build a spiritual renaissance that embraces a shared moral and spiritual vision for America and our world
Reconciliation Leaders, developed and implemented at the United Nations since 1991, use a Peacebuilding Process of Reconciliation to Develop Political will to sustain a longtime commitment to the United Nations through the Culture of Peace, the Global Problematique and learning through affiliations: Hopi Elder Thomas Banyanca, delivering the Hopi Prophecy in the General Assembly, the wisdom gained over 30 years in the meditation room built by the second United Nations Secretary General, Dag Hammarskjold. Virginia draws on her dream of the Phoenix to work with other Reconciliation Leaders to build a shared moral and spiritual global vision in a Spiritual Renaissance. In offering a Spiritual Renaissance for our global and American soul, the Institute for Global Leadership provides a global ethic as a resource for people to work in collaboration with the Phoenix, the bird of resurrection, regeneration, and transmutation.
Contribute to the Phoenix Scholarship in honor of all Reconciliation Leaders announced at the 20th Anniversary of the Institute for Global Leadership on October 21, 2021.
Reconciliation Leaders wrote about their experience as Reconciliation Leaders in the Afterwords Section of Virginia’s above memoir.
The Institute honors the significant contribution to the interdisciplinary practice of Reconciliation Leadership, a program for practical idealists from all cultures, disciplines, and career paths in service to reconcile protracted conflict and restore faith in leadership and in America. The Phoenix Scholarship recognizes the practice of “leadership from the inside out,” the application of Reconciliation Leadership to build communities and to write papers on Reconciliation Leadership co-authored with Virginia Swain in 2005 and 2006
The Phoenix Scholarship
Categories of Support:
- Reconciliation Leader: $5,000+
- Culture of Peace Diplomat: $3,000–$4,999
- Global Citizen: $1,000–$2,999
- Peacebuilder: $500–$999
- Peacekeeper: $100–$499
- Mediator: Gifts under $100
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