Leading from Your Life’s Passion—Fuel for Tough Times
Integrative Leaders are people committed to wholeness who acquire three levels of competencies from the foundation of their life’s passion and a body-mind perspective. The three levels of competencies that are cultivated are personal, interpersonal and systemic, designed to balance bottom line needs with personal leadership goals.
Enjoy the benefits of integrative leadership: having a clear sense of purpose arising from your passion and vision. This training is designed to develop intentional people in a world where challenges are personal, interpersonal and societal. Integrative Leaders are able to lead others effectively in an uncertain world.
Sherrie Anderson and Paul Rays co-authored a book, Cultural Creatives: How Fifty Million People are Changing the World (Three Rivers Press, 2000), based on Ray’s research at Stanford University (and an untested worldwide market) revealing a new social force called the Integral Culture. They see a society in transition, a society moving toward an emerging Integral Culture focused on spiritual transformation, ecological sustainability and the worth of the feminine. This group is coming up with more new ideas in global culture operating on the cutting edge of culture change. This new subculture includes people who represent new values and worldviews that did not exist before World War II.
Cultural Creatives are keenly aware of the systemic problems from local to national to global. They are people who have higher standards for spirituality, personal development, authenticity, relationships and views of other people. This group is synthesizing a new set of concepts for viewing the world in an ecological-spiritual way. There is a whole new literature of social concerns, of new solutions for the planet in place of the old set of problems, a new set of psychological development techniques, a return in spiritual practices and understanding of the perennial psychology and philosophy and an elevation of the feminine to a new place in human history.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. What the world needs is people who have come alive.“ Howard Thurman, Advisor to Martin Luther King
Integrative Leadership Courses and Certificate Program
- Introduction to Integrative Leadership: Claiming Your Personal Passion—Fuel for Tough TimesStep off the treadmill! Examine your inborn gifts and strengths and learn new gifts to claim and live your passion for yourself, your family, your work and your world!
- Visioning Your Life PathThis is the time for your vision to emerge for your life, an important element of your passion.
- Writing a Personal Life Mission Statement An individualized training to claim your passion, vision, focus and effectiveness as fuel for tough times. Mission arises from passion, vision, personal integrity and skill building for career and life empowerment.
- New Perspectives on Stress, Conflict and Diversity: Gain new tools to address feelings and emotions -especially stress, conflict, self-defeating and culturally insensitive behaviors – in personally restorative and life-giving ways.
Choose one of the following two courses:
- For Entrepreneurs: Creating Revenue Streams from Your Passion Learning from previous course is applied to create an income from your passion, vision, mission and purpose.
- For People In Institutions: Navigating Resistant Systems. Integrative Leaders can more easily navigate and innovate in resistant systems after learning the competencies of living your personal mission statement in a system resistant to change.
- Integrative Leadership Coaching: 8 hours of individual coaching to integrate training with personal challenges at end of course work. Participants integrate the teachings, skills, and the leader’s mission statement into their life, work, and relationships.