“Virginia Swain is more than an amazing author and teacher. She is a world leader, a peacemaker whose words can activate the same visions and qualities within others’ hearts.” – Cyndi Dale, healer and author of more than 20 books
“My parenting skills are based on my mission statement, the perspectives, tools and techniques of Reconciliation Leadership. Words seem to fail me to capture the gratitude I feel for your generosity, your love and your strength. I am so overwhelmed by your willingness to be with me as I learn, stumble and re-learn on this journey. Thank you for your patience as I explore ideas and feelings and your gentleness when I fall down in that exploration. Your unconditional love and your divine beauty never ceases to amaze me. I am so thankful to God for you. ” -Brooke Belcher Bishara, Reconciliation Leader and Teacher
“In the workplace, we haven’t learned how to deal with conflicts. I learned how to be a good listener, be a facilitator, and let people’s needs be heard. But I never realized how my personal changes could alter the dynamic at work. The people I work with can model these principles too.” —Krista Montefusco, Business Analyst, Accurecords
“I’m learning how to care about myself more and to find my special gifts — to do what I need to do to make myself happier. The result is that when I’m happy, others around me are happier.” —Shelley Welch, Niantic, CT
“Virginia’s an expert at helping people take their first definite steps to a new direction in their life by bringing their inner truths into their daily lives. Virginia helped me to validate and believe in what I was doing by facilitating and clarifying what I wasn’t totally sure about.” —Jonas Himmelstrand, Konsult, Uppsala, Sweden
“Virginia creates an atmosphere in which it feels comfortable exploring new ways of being in the world.”—Pamela Sorenson, Librarian, Laramie, WY
“Virginia connects with people at an essential level. She has an unusual gift of empathy, and can ‘tune-in’ to a person at a deeper level, thereby enabling her to offer very sensitive and specific insights.
The work that Virginia did with me could be described as a process of re-empowerment. As external obstacles appear, individuals often become reactive and get caught up in the details of a given problem. Unfortunately, from that place it is difficult to see appropriate solutions. One of Virginia’s gifts is the ability to assist in achieving a higher level of awareness, from which more possibilities for coping strategies become apparent. It is my belief that people are the best source of solutions to their own problems. Virginia is one who can help people access their own inner wisdom and apply it effectively. This is a rare and special gift, which enables her to render rare and special service as a consultant.” —Walter Scott, Jr., late Chairman of Integral Consulting Group and co-founder of Scott, Woolf and Associates, Human Resource Development for Organizations, Palo Alto, CA
“What I liked about working with Virginia was her gentleness, and that it wasn’t scary. I liked feeling at ease when exploring new things about myself. Virginia guided me, gently leading me through the dark passages into the light and peaceful side of myself.” —Viveka Wikburn, Teacher, Upsala, Sweden
Testimonials from Reconciliation Leadership clients here.